I’m feeling pretty good about learning terminal,I understand everything we learn by the end of class. Although sometimes I struggle to remember it for next class so I have to review it. I am writing little notes to myself about important commands so I can review those throughout the week and that has been really helpful.
We are using terminal to make and control everything about out website. We are using git to store our webiste and keep a record of changes we have made. We are using vim to edit our website. We are using Markdown to add to our journal entries and add text to our websites.
I would reccomend to future students to write notes to themself. As I mentioned before I like to jot down the important commands in my notes app and review them throughout the week so that I’m sure I remember them. I would also tell them that sometimes it takes a bit for this to make sense so be patient.
Symmetric encryption uses the same key for encryption and decryption. Asymmetric encryption uses two different keys, one public key for encryption and another private key for decryption.. Symmetric encryption is less secure than asymmetric encryption because there is only one key so if it is compromised the date can easily be decrypted. Unlike asymmetric where there are two keys so there is another layer of protection on the information.